Together to combat violence against women. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joins "Orange the World!"
Photo: mzvcr

Together to combat violence against women. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joins "Orange the World!"


Employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague and at embassies, led by Minister Tomáš Petříček, have joined the UN campaign against gender-based violence "Orange the World!", which will take place from 25 November to 10 December around the world.

"Due to the pandemic, we could not support the campaign with mass photography like we did last year, but we are involved individually," Minister Petříček said. "Violence has no place in our society. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also influenced domestic violence, with restrictions on free movement forcing victims to stay at home with aggressors. That is why among other things I back the provision of appropriate psychological support. I will always stand on the side of the victims."

This year's campaign, whose motto is "Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!", points out the need to strengthen measures combating violence against women, including financial support. Emphasis is placed on prevention and effective resolution of individual cases.


Together to combat violence against women. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joins "Orange the World!"
