Certificate of no Criminal Conviction in Hong Kong

To obtain the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) from the Hong Kong Police, a request letter of our Consulate is needed. We will only issue this letter if the CNCC is to be used for visa application at our Consulate or business purpose in the Czech Republic. 


A request letter from the Consulate is required by the Hong Kong Police Force in order to apply for the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC).

We only accept emails from applicants themselves, not agencies!

Applicants can raise the request for the letter* through email hongkong.consulate@mzv.gov.cz in the format as below:


Email Subject: CNCC Request Letter – applicant’s full name 

Full name:


Date of birth:


HKID/Passport number:

Purpose of the CNCC: e.g.

For the application of Student Visa - a copy of an Acceptance letter issued by Czech University

For the application of Employment - a copy of an Employment (future) contract with a Czech Company

For the application of Family Reunification - a copy of a Birth (Marriage) certificate

For the application of Seasonal work - an employment permit pursuant to Section 96(1) of the Employment Act, and of an Employment contract with a Czech Company

Applicants will be informed by email and given a time-slot to pick up the request letter. The CNCC will be sent directly to our Consulate normally in 4 calendar weeks. Applicants will then be informed by email in order to proceed to apply for visas or to pick up. A legalized translation* of the CNCC from English to Czech can be provided upon request.

*Please see Consular Fees for fees applicable.